資訊學院為積極推動國際化,協助本院優秀學生出國攻讀資訊科學雙聯碩士學位,提供學生更寬廣的學習視野和文化體驗,特與日本金澤大學(KANAZAWA UNIVERSITY)簽訂國際雙聯學位合作計畫。
- 申請時間(資訊學院收件期間)
- 學分抵免~金澤大學規定
KU graduate school has not been allowing the double count in DDP, their request is that:
- KU does not allow students enrolling to KU to double count credits asthe credits of KU's subjects if they are used for the graduation from NCCU.
- NCCU allow students enrolling to NCCU to double count credits as thecredits of NCCU's subjects even if they are used for the graduation fromKU.